Horse Adventures

When Hailey, 12 years old and 55 pounds, started riding lessons at Long Run Stables, the size and strength of the horses intimidated her. Hailey did not know they would require her to groom and tack these large animals. Thanks to the excellent training of Miss Sara, Hailey overcame this fear of becoming a first-class rider. Her first horse to train with was Buddy. After over a year, they now ride together as one unit. Both rider and horse receptive to every movement, and each sound emitted by their partner. Hailey maintains a tight grip on the reins and firm pressure with her thighs. Buddy knows he must perform his best for Hailey, with no mistakes. Their relationship has grown from one of infatuation, to one of respect and admiration. Buddy, in his later years, appreciates the tender approach from Hailey, who has grown to respect and admire the strength and dedication of Buddy. Together, they make an unbeatable team. When Buddy died, Hailey accepted the challenge to work with a more advanced horse, Dusty, to prepare for upcoming competitions. Because of a delay while Dusty heals from injuries, Hailey has 4 weeks remaining to create a common respective bond between her and Dusty that will make them a team strong enough to compete in the upcoming show. With 3 days before the show, Hailey experiences a fall during cross-rail training, resulting in a shoulder injury; but Hailey will not let this stop her.

A Time Travel Series

Bob and Mary invented a time travel machine that allowed them to escape from the year 2220, into the year 2020 and live a good life on an uncharted island, with their born daughter. They taught Tillie, at an early age, how to time travel and survive. When her parents died, Tillie at 13 could pull through on her own. While traveling into the past, Tillie met a distant relative, Audrey, who stayed with her.

In the year 2035, a skeptical naval officer, Ben, and his first mate, Jack, rescued Tillie, and Audrey. They became their best friends, and time travel mates. Their fresh adventures begin aboard this naval vessel equipped with advanced technology, and now time travel.

An Alien Teen Adventure

Something is happening to the children in Jefferson town Kentucky.

Students are not showing up at school. Sports teams are missing players. Parents could not find their children. The list of missing person reports at the police department is becoming overwhelming.

A group of sophomore students at a local private school came up with a plan to find their missing friends. As their plan unfolds, they discover something that was shocking and terrifying. When one of their team is missing, the 4 remaining teenagers focused on a strategy that would overcome the odds and rescue the children in Jefferson Town..

All The Right Choices

Larie started working the farm with his dad beginning at the age of 5.

Larie knew that he wanted to do something better with his life, and he needed motivation in the right direction. While in high school, Larie researched the branches of the military and, decided the Marines would provide the benefits, training, and motivation he needed to succeed.

God has a path for each one of us, and in this story, Larie perseveres and stays on his path that leads him to success.

Childhood Adventures

I was 10, my brother 8, my two sisters 7 and 9. We walked in the woods behind our home, on the way to the community center, when something unexpected happened.

“Don’t move. I have a knife in your back,” said the teenage boy who was holding me.

Looking around, I saw my little brothers and sisters being held and laughed at, and I could not stand it.

Lunging back, I turned and hit the boy holding me. When he hit the ground, I grabbed the boy who held my brother and threw him on the ground. My brother and I together started hitting the boy holding my next younger sister, Dawn. My youngest sister, Sarah, fell to the ground, crying.

About that time, I felt something warm running down my back.

A New Adventure

For some of us, we realize our grandchildren deserve to live fruitful lives. Unfortunately, some have circumstances that will not allow this. We must have the courage to step up and do our best to correct this. If we do not help our grandchildren, who will.

Changing diapers is something many people will not do. They think it is disgusting. What they do not think about is who changed their diapers, and what would happen  to their little bodies if nobody did this for them. The answer is most likely death from infection and disease. Little children cannot take care of themselves. They need a responsible person, hopefully a parent, to care for them. Even as an infant, a child will remember who takes care of them and who does not. They will always remember a responsible and loving grandparent.

Tales From An Old Framing Carpenter

It was during wrecking the forms from the concrete that I saw something I had not seen before. My dad hired a new man, Brad, on parole from prison. Everyone got along with him and he was a great worker. He was about five feet four inches tall, with about 60 inch shoulders, and built like the incredible hulk. Brad used a crowbar, trying to get a board out of concrete.

“Oh, my goodness! How did you do that?”

The new man put a bend in a crowbar. I had seen no one bend a crowbar.

“I can fix it.”

He took the crowbar and held it with a hand on each end. With no effort at all, he straightened the crowbar. I could not trust what I just witnessed.


Fred and I enjoyed wrestling around on the playground. We tried not to hurt each other, and both of us knew that. 

“Oh no. Here comes the teacher.”

“Here we go. To the office again. I don’t mind. I had fun wrestling with you, Fred.”

“Yeah, me too. My mom and dad will not like this. I just hope the paddle does not have any holes in it.”

The paddle did not contain any holes. However, the next time, and every time after that, there were holes in the paddle. 

My Warmhearted Son

This is the story of Aaron, a child born with attention deficit disorder. We discovered, when Aaron was about two years old, something was a little different about our little buddy. At four, they asked him to leave the daycare, and the YMCA could not handle him. I needed to hold his hand, or some part of him, all the time we were together. He loved running away, and he knew I would come running after him. 

Our sweet child possessed impulsive habits which kept us jumping and aware all the time. He surprised us with new actions that needed our prompt attention. 

His doctor and teachers asked us to wait to see how he developed before recommending any medications or counseling.

We love Aaron and want the best for him. We soon found out we had a lot of work ahead of us. He is full of unintentional surprises. 


Many of us wish we had the perfect companion. We will always be disappointed if we continue to look for these qualities in our spouse or a good friend.

The only genuine friend we have that will never let us down is Jesus Christ. He also gave us our best friend on this earth. He called this friend a dog.

Don, Joe and Jenny searched for two years for the dog that would be their companion forever. On a beautiful day, while visiting the Humane Society, Jesus placed Bertie in their path.

Without Merit

Bob and Mary Tully started Tully town. When they passed, Tim, being the only child, inherited everything. He had several townspeople working for him. These included police, garbage collectors, bookkeepers, and street cleaners. Each person was obligated to him for employment, repayment of loans, and property ownership. They were also required to assist Tim with the illegal drug activities, and promise secrecy.

Merit Atwill, high school teacher, is the only person in town that refuses to be under his control. Tim has plans to change this. Tully Town experienced a time without Merit.